The Bradley Bug Recovery Network
Welcome to the Bradley Bug Recovery Network
Update - April 2023
Year 1 of our community project has been completed and we've made great progress with our pollinator monitoring and habitat restoration, including:
Habitat surveys for our 4 key monitoring sites.
Sowing yellow rattle on half of the community open space at Kiln Orchard.
Sowing yellow rattle at trial sites on the Bradley Manor Estate.
Enhancing wildflower species at the Bradley Barton Primary School car park verge.
Launching the Pesticide-Free Bradley initiative
Training 20 volunteers in the Flower Insect Timed count method at Bradley Field Allotments
To find out more please download our Year 1 Report :
People and Pollinators in the Bradley Valley
Update - August 2022
We’ve had a really successful start to the project and made great progress with pollinator monitoring this summer and now getting ready to cut our “mini-meadows” across the Bradley Valley area in preparation for wildflower seed sowing in October. We have been monitoring pollinator levels across 4 key sites in our local area:
Bradley Field Allotments
Bradley Manor Meadow
Kiln Orchard Open Space
Bradley Barton School
The groups and organisations who we are now working with across our pilot project area are:
Newton Abbot and District Co-operative Allotment Association
The National Trust (Bradley Manor Estate)
Bradley Barton Primary School
Newton Abbot Town Council (Vicary’s Field)
Teignbridge District Council (Kiln Orchard Open Space)
Suez Wast Management South West
We are also developing some really positive links with local householders who are getting involved with pollinator monitoring and creating new wildflower habitats in the own gardens at home.
We want to say a BIG THANK YOU to the Devon Environment Foundation, who have provided most of the funding for this work, and to the Devon Biodiversity Records Centre who are advising us on the technical aspects of monitoring and identifying pollinators as well as restoring pollinator habitats.
In addition to our work with pollinators we are aiming to run the first household Pesticide Amnesty to be carried out in Devon (and only the second in the whole of the UK). This will provide support and advice to local householders to go Pesticide Free and a doorstep collection service to dispose of garden pesticides. Watch this space for more information!
If you want to get involved and help restore pollinators to the Bradley area do get in touch at andrew@greenfutures-newtonabbot.co.uk

Raking at Kiln Orchard
Green Futures volunteers raked up excess grass cuttings to prepare for sowing yellow rattle at Kiln Orchard open space.
We were joined by Cllr Carol Bunday, Mayor of Newton Abbot who gave us welcome support and encouragement.
Want to get involved?
Know someone else with a passion for local community and the environment?
We always welcome new volunteers and would love to hear from you:
Get in touch here!